Jan 28, 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Tokopedia 2013 : WEB DESIGNER

PT Tokopedia : is one of the largest internet companies in Indonesia, supported by a variety of large VC world, including CyberAgent Ventures, one of Japan's largest internet conglomerate.

In his mission to be a world-class company, PT Tokopedia believe a future company is young talents with incredible passion in the development of the internet, and want to be involved in the development of Internet products that can be useful for many people.

One of the products of PT Tokopedia, tokopedia.com has become the largest online mall in Indonesia.

Currently PT Tokopedia need young talent to fill the following positions:


    S1 graduates, with a maximum age of 28 years
    Creative, detail-oriented
    Having a passion for building products with an effective user interface and beautiful
    Mastering XHTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX, Photoshop
    Communicative and able to work in a team
    Having a Sense of Art & Passion in making a good design concept

    Designing and Developing web applications Tokopedia
    Conduct tests and ensure quality products made ​​before the product displayed
    Able to convert design into HTML + CSS (tableless)

Info Bursa kerja 2013 : PT Tokopedia - Send CV, resume, along with latest photographs to :
PT Tokopedia
Email :

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