Jan 28, 2013

Lowongan Kerja PT Sophie Paris Indonesia 2013 : Social Media & Online Community Officer

PT Sophie Paris Indonesia : Sophie Paris was founded in Jakarta in 1994. The Core business is design and distributes fashion accessories with a genuine touch. Sophie is a truly global enterprise. It employs 500 people from over 10 countries: Indonesian, India, Korea, Italy, and France just to mention a few. We are currently seeking:

Social Media & Online Community Officer

    Writes Article on Facebook, Twitter, and Social Media used by Sophie Paris.
    Answering complaints coming through Social Media and Follow Up by PIC-related.
    Build Sophie Paris online community.
    In collaboration with other communities to join events, promotions, etc..
    Organising an event organizer in connection with Sophie Paris Social Media & Online Community.
    Making training program socialization Sophie Paris Social Media for Internal and into BC and the general public.
    Create reports and analysis and with respect to Social Media & Online Community Sophie Paris.
    Always updated with the Social Media Landscape providers and learn strategies and Social Media Competitor company is active and successful in Social Media.

    Holding at least a Bachelor Degree in any field
    Having at least 2 years experience at the same field
    Good communication in English and Bahasa Indonesia
    Having excellent writing and public speaking skills
    Able to work under pressure on tight deadline
    Willing to work on holiday
    Easy to adapt, able to work independently or within a team
    Having ability to cope with complaints.

Indonesia Job 2013 : PT Sophie Paris Indonesia - Send your complete resume and CV to:
HRD Recruitment Sophie Paris
Jl. Adyaksa Raya No. 33 Lebak Bulus,
Jakarta Selatan, 12440
Or sent via email to  :
with subject: Social Media and Online Community Officer

Official Source