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Lowongan Kerja Bagian Production Team Leader di PT. General Motors Indonesia Mfg : SMU/STM/Sederajat, Bekasi, Experience,

Written By mug's on Jan 16, 2013 | 10:57 PM

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PT. General Motors Indonesia Mfg : is one of a fast growing Automotive Company in Indonesia. We are expanding our company in Indonesia, therefore currently seeking professional person up to become our excellent team for the position:

Production Team Leader

    Able to lead the operator and have good communication skills
    Having an understanding of quality, cost, and safety in the work
    Able to train and develop a team
    Understand and maintain a culture of continuous improvement or continuous improvement

    High school graduates, STM, and SMK equal
    Height min. 165 cm
    Having experience in the automotive field (4W) and knowledge production / manufacturing
    Having Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisi (SKCK) is still valid
    Ability to analyze problems, has strong leadership, able to work under pressure and willing to work overtime
    Hardworking, honest, able to work together in teams and can communicate well

Info Bursa Kerja 2013 : PT. General Motors Indonesia Mfg - Send your CV from Apply link in the below :
PT. General Motors Indonesia Mfg

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