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Wings Group | Lowongan kerja 2011

Written By mug's on Nov 22, 2011 | 10:38 AM

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Lowongan kerja november 2011 - Wings Group : As one of the largest producers of consumer goods in Indonesia, and one that is still growing fast, WINGS is committed to the development of its human resources as the backbone of its success. WINGS invites the best people to join. Individuals who are honest, dynamic, innovative and ambitious are the future of WINGS

Internal Auditor (IA)

Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Accounting, GPA min 3.00
At least 1 year experience as internal audit in manufacturing or auditor in KAP
Good interpersonal and communication skills

Export Marketing Spv (EM)

Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in any field
At least 3 years experience as an Export Sales/Marketing
Familiar with the basic export shipment stages
Fluent in English both written and oral

Industrial Relationship (IR)

Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Law
Having good knowledge about industrial relation practices Labour law and government regulation
At least 3 years experience in managing a variety of cases of industrial relation

Industrial Pharmacist (IP)

Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Pharmacy/Medical/Biological + Profession certificate
At least 3 years experience in manufacturing or as Pharmacist/Doctor/Dermatologist/Biologist

Recruitment Officer (RO)

Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in Psychology (preferable profession in Psychology)
At least 2 years experience in Recruitment & Selection
Know and be able to use the tools of Psychological Test

Purchasing (PUR)

Min Bachelor Degree (S1) in any field
Good interpersonal and negotiation skill

IT Networking

Graduated S1 in Computer, GPA min 3.00
Preferably have a good knowledge of Windows operating system, Linux, HP-UX
Good knowledge of security management (monitoring network, firewall, IDS, IPS, Hacking)

SAP Support

Graduated S1 in Computer, GPA min 3.00
Interested to work with computer applications such as SAP
Good knowledge of database concepts (SQL Server/Oracle DB)
Willing to travel, smart, team player, honest, and hardworker


Graduated S1 in Computer, GPA min 3.00
Preferably having knowledge of Windows Operating System, Linux
Have knowledge of database concepts (SQL Server/Oracle DB) & Programming Language (Visual Basic/.Net/ABAP)

Database Administrator

Graduated S1 in Computer, GPA min 3.00
At least 1 year experience as Database Administrator
Having good knowledge of Oracle Database
Able to work, accurate, fast and systematically

Wings Group - If you are interested to be excellent in atmosphere of unity and harmony with WINGS GROUP, please send your cover letter, complete with a summary, recent photograph, a photocopy of identity card and other document support to the following address:
Human Resources Department
Wings Group
JL Tipar Cakung, Kav F5-7
Jakarta Timur 13910
Closing Date : 2nd December 2011

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