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Lowongan Kerja PT Heinz ABC Indonesia

Written By mug's on May 25, 2011 | 9:20 PM

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PT Heinz ABC Indonesia : As one of the world’s largest consumer goods companies, and fastest growing Indonesian business, we are looking for dynamic candidates that strive for excellence to join our team as:

QC Line

Fresh Graduated in Agricultural Technology, Industrial Chemistry
Able to analyze and have a basic knowledge of chemical
Willing to be work with shift

Hard working, highly motivated, ability to work under pressure, good analytical aptitude, creative, innovative, flexible, well well organized, fast learned, good communication skills.
Good in English both oral & written.
Proficient in Microsoft Office
Ready to work in Karawang Plant.

Storage & Inventory Supervisor

Graduated in Food Technology with minimum 3 years experiences in Manufacture.
Good knowledge about Production Process & Inventory Management

Strong leadership, hard working, highly motivated, ability to work under pressure, good analytical aptitude, creative, innovative, flexible, well organized, fast learned, honest, good communication skill.
Good in English both oral & written.
Proficient in Microsoft Office
Ready to work in Karawang Plant.

Please submit a comprehensive resume, current and expected salary details and recent photograph to:
PT. Heinz ABC Indonesia
Karawang Plant
Desa Walahar, Kecamatan Klari,
Karawang Timur, Jawa Barat

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